Sunday, May 07, 2006

It's not over.

let's start off with some Queen...

it's so easy
when you know the rules
it's so easy
all you have to do is fall in love
oh, play the game called love...

ballet = love.

and I'm playing the game.

I gave up when things got to hard and misinetpreted God. but now that I'm better... it's not over.

my game called love has just begun...


Blogger B r i t t n e e said...

awwwwwwwww that was pretty! haha i never thought that you could get something so deep out of queen! haha! (there is no deep meaning to bohemian rhapsody) its great that you are not stopping dance, that is one thing that i know you have a deep passion for, i felt at first when you told me you were stopping that when you did a piece of you would be missing, like lookin at you and not seeing your eyes, it would be wierd! glad that you stuck with it!
♥ Brittany

5/12/2006 10:37 AM  
Blogger B r i t t n e e said...

awwwwwwwww that was pretty! haha i never thought that you could get something so deep out of queen! haha! (there is no deep meaning to bohemian rhapsody) its great that you are not stopping dance, that is one thing that i know you have a deep passion for, i felt at first when you told me you were stopping that when you did a piece of you would be missing, like lookin at you and not seeing your eyes, it would be wierd! glad that you stuck with it!
♥ Brittany

5/12/2006 10:37 AM  
Blogger B r i t t n e e said...

awwwwwwwww that was pretty! haha i never thought that you could get something so deep out of queen! haha! (there is no deep meaning to bohemian rhapsody) its great that you are not stopping dance, that is one thing that i know you have a deep passion for, i felt at first when you told me you were stopping that when you did a piece of you would be missing, like lookin at you and not seeing your eyes, it would be wierd! glad that you stuck with it!
♥ Brittany

5/12/2006 10:37 AM  
Blogger B r i t t n e e said...

haaaa sorry that posted 3 times... my comment button was being stoopid!

5/12/2006 10:38 AM  

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